Tuesday, November 04, 2008

NOV 4 2008

Okay - so here it is at last. Nov 4 2008. After almost 2 years of constant election news, views and analysis, we have finally arrived. Think about how many times in the last 2 years have we seen Barack Obama, on your TV, in Magazines, newspapers, on the computer. I have seen and heard him in these last 2 years more than my entire family in my whole life.. now add Hillary and John the Mac and all the other side kicks to the mix and that amounts to some serious time. Wow.
Anyway.. Last few weeks were specially entertaining. The Mac threw in Palin' in the ring (I bet her husband's name is Todd Paling - she just chucked the 'g' out - in her usual folksie fashion - that's why the ') and all of a sudden, Saturday Night Live became a must see. In fact it seems like it's on TV all nights of the week now. It's like having Superbowl every Sunday! Hopefully they will get back to their senses and only have a SNL on S.

So while we are witnessing history being written right before our eyes, let's not forget that when all is said and done, and Mr. Obama will be crowned in Jan, 2009, he will be having a herculean task before him. He will soon realize that getting elected to the highest office in the nation was the easy part. He will have much on his plate - the economy, not just the US economy, but the world economy; two wars that directly affect the US and a flagging health care system, a non existant immigration system, to name only the most important issues.
So good luck to him tonight. If there is anybody in this country who has earned a presidency - it has to be him.
And because everybody is in a predicting mood - Here's my prediction: Obama: 330-340. Subtract any number between 330 and 340 from 538 to get Mac's numbers. The Dems will also get to 59 in the senate and a gain of 28 seats in the house. Wow - I can claim to be a political junkie myself. Don't be surprised to see me on MSNBC in 2012 - bashing Palin' after the Rachel Maddow Show.

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